Go to the end to download the full example code.
Volume Rendering 2
Render three volumes using different world transforms.

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np
from import WgpuCanvas, run
import pygfx as gfx
import pylinalg as la
canvas = WgpuCanvas()
renderer = gfx.renderers.WgpuRenderer(canvas)
scene = gfx.Scene()
voldata = iio.imread("imageio:stent.npz").astype(np.float32)
geometry = gfx.Geometry(grid=voldata)
material = gfx.VolumeRayMaterial(clim=(0, 2000))
vol1 = gfx.Volume(geometry, material)
vol2 = gfx.Volume(geometry, material)
vol3 = gfx.Volume(geometry, material)
scene.add(vol1, vol2, vol3)
vol2.local.x = -150
vol2.local.scale_z = 0.5
vol3.local.x = 150
camera = gfx.PerspectiveCamera(70, 16 / 9)
camera.show_object(scene, view_dir=(-1, -1, -1), up=(0, 0, 1))
controller = gfx.OrbitController(camera, register_events=renderer)
# A clipping plane at z=0 - only the rotating volume will be affected
material.clipping_planes = [(0, 0, 1, 0)]
def animate():
rot = la.quat_from_euler((0.005, 0.01), order="XY")
vol3.local.rotation = la.quat_mul(rot, vol3.local.rotation)
renderer.render(scene, camera)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.995 seconds)