Text align

Example demonstrating the capabilities of text to be aligned and justified according to the user’s decision.

This demo enables one to interactively control the alignment and the justification of text anchored to the center of the screen.

text align
========= Text =========
Lorem ipsum
Bonjour World Olá
last lyne
Use the keys

 q  w  e
 a  s  d
 z  x  c

To change the anchor of the text.
For baseline anchoring, use Z X C (with Shift)

Use the keys

 u  i  o

to set the alignment of the text to left, middle, right respectively.

Use j to set the alignment to justify.
Use h to set the alignment to justify-all.

Use the keys

  n  m  ,

to set the alignment of the last line to left, middle, right respectively.


* k to set the alignment of the last line to auto.
* l to set the alignment of the last line to justify.
* f to increase the font size.
* g to decrease the font size.

import os

from wgpu.gui.auto import WgpuCanvas, run

import pygfx as gfx

scene = gfx.Scene()

scene.add(gfx.Background.from_color("#fff", "#000"))

if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" not in os.environ:
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Text Alignment Demo")
        "--direction", type=str, default="ltr", help="Direction parameter"
            "Lorem ipsum\n"
            "Bonjour World Olá\n"  # some text that isn't equal in line
            "pygfx\n"  # a line with exactly 1 word
            "last lyne"
        help="Text to display",
    args = parser.parse_args()
    direction = args.direction
    text = args.text
    direction = "ltr"
    text = (
        "Lorem ipsum\n"
        "Bonjour World Olá\n"  # some text that isn't equal in line
        "pygfx\n"  # a line with exactly 1 word
        "last line"

print(f"========= Text =========\n{text}\n========================")

text = gfx.Text(
    gfx.TextMaterial(color="#B4F8C8", outline_color="#000", outline_thickness=0.15),
text.local.position = (0, 0, 0)

points = gfx.Points(
    gfx.PointsMaterial(color="#f00", size=10),

scene.add(text, points)

camera = gfx.OrthographicCamera(4, 3)

renderer = gfx.renderers.WgpuRenderer(WgpuCanvas(size=(800, 600)))

def change_justify(event):
    if event.key == "q":
        text.geometry.anchor = "top-left"
    elif event.key == "w":
        text.geometry.anchor = "top-middle"
    elif event.key == "e":
        text.geometry.anchor = "top-right"
    elif event.key == "a":
        text.geometry.anchor = "middle-left"
    elif event.key == "s":
        text.geometry.anchor = "middle-middle"
    elif event.key == "d":
        text.geometry.anchor = "middle-right"
    elif event.key == "z":
        text.geometry.anchor = "bottom-left"
    elif event.key == "x":
        text.geometry.anchor = "bottom-middle"
    elif event.key == "c":
        text.geometry.anchor = "bottom-right"
    elif event.key == "Z":
        text.geometry.anchor = "baseline-left"
    elif event.key == "X":
        text.geometry.anchor = "baseline-middle"
    elif event.key == "C":
        text.geometry.anchor = "baseline-right"
    elif event.key == "u":
        text.geometry.text_align = "left"
    elif event.key == "i":
        text.geometry.text_align = "center"
    elif event.key == "o":
        text.geometry.text_align = "right"
    elif event.key == "j":
        text.geometry.text_align = "justify"
    elif event.key == "h":
        text.geometry.text_align = "justify-all"
    elif event.key == "k":
        text.geometry.text_align_last = "auto"
    elif event.key == "l":
        text.geometry.text_align_last = "justify"
    elif event.key == "n":
        text.geometry.text_align_last = "left"
    elif event.key == "m":
        text.geometry.text_align_last = "center"
    elif event.key == ",":
        text.geometry.text_align_last = "right"
    elif event.key == "f":
        text.geometry.font_size *= 1.1
    elif event.key == "g":
        text.geometry.font_size /= 1.1

    print(f"Anchor: {text.geometry.anchor}")
    print(f"Text align: {text.geometry.text_align}")
    print(f"Text align last: {text.geometry.text_align_last}")
    print(f"Font size: {text.geometry.font_size}")


renderer.request_draw(lambda: renderer.render(scene, camera))

    """Use the keys

 q  w  e
 a  s  d
 z  x  c

To change the anchor of the text.
For baseline anchoring, use Z X C (with Shift)

Use the keys

 u  i  o

to set the alignment of the text to left, middle, right respectively.

Use j to set the alignment to justify.
Use h to set the alignment to justify-all.

Use the keys

  n  m  ,

to set the alignment of the last line to left, middle, right respectively.


* k to set the alignment of the last line to auto.
* l to set the alignment of the last line to justify.
* f to increase the font size.
* g to decrease the font size.


if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.375 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery