Go to the end to download the full example code.
Displaying an image in a scene
Displaying an image can be done in two different ways based the details of the information you are trying to communicate. We consider a color image with shape (height, width, 3). In PyGFX, this is descried as a texture.
A gfx.Image will display the texture with an offset of 0.5 pixel in each direction assuming even sampling. This is useful for displaying images captured with a camera or other devices where the pixel center is the important information. By default, nearest neighbor interpolation is used to sample the texture.
A gfx.Mesh with a plane geometry can be used to display the texture with spanning from the one edge of the geometry to an other. The pixel corners at integer coordinates. This is useful when one wants to stretch the provided data to fill a specific area. Be default bilinear interpolation is used to sample the texture.
The example allows users zoom in and out of the scene to study the differences between the results of both provided methods.
We encourage users of pygfx to study each Object, Material, Geometry and Shader to better understand how they can adapt the provided classes to their needs.

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np
from import WgpuCanvas, run
import pygfx as gfx
canvas_size = 512 * 2 + 50, 512 + 100
canvas = WgpuCanvas(size=canvas_size, max_fps=999)
renderer = gfx.renderers.WgpuRenderer(canvas, show_fps=True)
scene = gfx.Scene()
camera = gfx.OrthographicCamera(canvas_size[0], canvas_size[1])
camera.local.y = canvas_size[1] / 2
camera.local.scale_y = -1
camera.local.x = canvas_size[0] / 2
controller = gfx.PanZoomController(camera, register_events=renderer)
im = iio.imread("imageio:astronaut.png")
image_texture = gfx.Texture(im, dim=2)
image = gfx.Image(
gfx.Geometry(grid=image_texture), gfx.ImageBasicMaterial(clim=(0, 255))
image.local.x = 100
image.local.y = 50
geometry = gfx.plane_geometry(
width=256, height=512, width_segments=1, height_segments=1
image_mesh = gfx.Mesh(
image_mesh.local.x = image.local.x + 50 + 512 + 256 / 2
image_mesh.local.y = image.local.y + 512 / 2
image_mesh.local.scale_y = -1
line = gfx.Line(
[[-8000, 50, 0], [+8000, 50, 0]],
if __name__ == "__main__":
canvas.request_draw(lambda: renderer.render(scene, camera))
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.769 seconds)