Go to the end to download the full example code.
Custom Object
Example that implements a custom object and renders it.
This example draws multiple triangles. This is more or a full-fledged object.
It demonstrates:
How you can define a new WorldObject and Material.
How to define a shader for it.
The use of uniforms for material properties.
The implementation of the camera transforms in the shader.
How geometry (vertex data) can be used in the shader.
Shader templating.

import numpy as np
import wgpu
from import WgpuCanvas, run
import pygfx as gfx
from pygfx.renderers.wgpu import (
# Custom object, material, and matching render function
class Triangle(gfx.WorldObject):
class TriangleMaterial(gfx.Material):
uniform_type = dict(
def __init__(self, *, color="white", **kwargs):
self.color = color
def color(self):
"""The uniform color of the triangle."""
return gfx.Color(["color"])
def color(self, color):
color = gfx.Color(color)["color"] = color
self._store.color_is_transparent = color.a < 1
def color_is_transparent(self):
"""Whether the color is (semi) transparent (i.e. not fully opaque)."""
# Note the use of the the _store to make this attribute trackable,
# so that when it changes, the shader is updated automatically.
return self._store.color_is_transparent
@register_wgpu_render_function(Triangle, TriangleMaterial)
class TriangleShader(BaseShader):
type = "render"
def get_bindings(self, wobject, shared):
geometry = wobject.geometry
# This is how we set templating variables (dict-like access on the shader).
# Look for "{{scale}}" in the WGSL code below.
self["scale"] = 0.2
# Three uniforms and one storage buffer with positions
bindings = {
0: Binding("u_stdinfo", "buffer/uniform", shared.uniform_buffer),
1: Binding("u_wobject", "buffer/uniform", wobject.uniform_buffer),
2: Binding("u_material", "buffer/uniform", wobject.material.uniform_buffer),
3: Binding(
"s_positions", "buffer/read_only_storage", geometry.positions, "VERTEX"
self.define_bindings(0, bindings)
return {
0: bindings,
def get_pipeline_info(self, wobject, shared):
# We draw triangles, no culling
return {
"primitive_topology": wgpu.PrimitiveTopology.triangle_list,
"cull_mode": wgpu.CullMode.none,
def get_render_info(self, wobject, shared):
material = wobject.material
geometry = wobject.geometry
# Determine number of vertices
n = 3 * geometry.positions.nitems
# Define in what passes this object is drawn.
# Using RenderMask.all is a good default. The rest is optimization.
render_mask = wobject.render_mask
if not render_mask: # i.e. set to auto
render_mask = RenderMask.all
if material.is_transparent:
render_mask = RenderMask.transparent
elif material.color_is_transparent:
render_mask = RenderMask.transparent
render_mask = RenderMask.opaque
return {
"indices": (n, 1),
"render_mask": render_mask,
def get_code(self):
return """
{$ include 'pygfx.std.wgsl' $}
fn vs_main(@builtin(vertex_index) index: u32) -> Varyings {
let vertex_index = i32(index) / 3;
let sub_index = i32(index) % 3;
// Transform object positition into NDC coords
let model_pos = load_s_positions(vertex_index); // vec3
let world_pos = u_wobject.world_transform * vec4<f32>(model_pos, 1.0);
let ndc_pos = u_stdinfo.projection_transform * u_stdinfo.cam_transform * world_pos;
// List of relative positions, in logical pixels
var positions = array<vec2<f32>, 3>(
vec2<f32>(0.0, -20.0), vec2<f32>(-17.0, 15.0), vec2<f32>(17.0, 15.0)
// Get position for *this* corner
let screen_factor = u_stdinfo.logical_size.xy / 2.0;
let screen_pos_ndc = ndc_pos.xy + {{scale}} * positions[sub_index] / screen_factor;
// Set the output
var varyings: Varyings;
varyings.position = vec4<f32>(screen_pos_ndc,;
return varyings;
fn fs_main(varyings: Varyings) -> FragmentOutput {
var out: FragmentOutput;
let a = u_material.color.a * u_material.opacity;
out.color = vec4<f32>(u_material.color.rgb, a);
return out;
# Setup scene
renderer = gfx.WgpuRenderer(WgpuCanvas())
camera = gfx.OrthographicCamera(10, 10)
t = Triangle(
gfx.Geometry(positions=np.random.uniform(-4, 4, size=(20, 3)).astype(np.float32)),
t.local.x = 2 # set offset to demonstrate that it works
scene = gfx.Scene()
if __name__ == "__main__":
renderer.request_draw(lambda: renderer.render(scene, camera))
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.207 seconds)