Ambient occlusion

This example demonstrates the ambient occlusion map effects for MeshBasicMaterial, MeshPhongMaterial, and MeshStandardMaterial.


To run this example, you need a model from the source repo’s example folder. If you are running this example from a local copy of the code (dev install) no further actions are needed. Otherwise, you may have to replace the path below to point to the location of the model.

import os
from pathlib import Path

    # modify this line if your model is located elsewhere
    model_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "data"
except NameError:
    # compatibility with sphinx-gallery
    model_dir = Path(os.getcwd()).parent / "data"

Once the path is set correctly, you can use the model as follows:

import imageio.v3 as iio
from import WgpuCanvas, run
import pygfx as gfx

# Init
canvas = WgpuCanvas(size=(1200, 400), title="aomap")
renderer = gfx.renderers.WgpuRenderer(canvas)

meshes = gfx.load_gltf_mesh(model_dir / "lightmap" / "scene.gltf", materials=False)

ao_map = iio.imread(model_dir / "lightmap" / "lightmap-ao-shadow.png")
ao_map_tex = gfx.Texture(ao_map, dim=2)

# Create camera and controller
camera = gfx.PerspectiveCamera(45, 1)
camera.local.position = 500, 1000, 1500
camera.look_at((0, 0, 0))
controller = gfx.OrbitController(camera, register_events=renderer)

# Text
text_scene = gfx.Scene()
text_camera = gfx.OrthographicCamera(12, 4)

def create_scene(material, x_pos):
    scene = gfx.Scene()
    m = meshes[0]
    material.ao_map = ao_map_tex
    mesh = gfx.Mesh(m.geometry, material)
    mesh.local.matrix = m.local.matrix
    mesh.local.scale = 100

    # illumination the scene for MeshPhongMaterial and MeshStandardMaterial

    t = gfx.Text(
        gfx.TextGeometry(material.__class__.__name__, screen_space=True, font_size=20),
    t.local.position = (x_pos, 1.5, 0)

    return scene

vp1 = gfx.Viewport(renderer, (5, 0, 390, 400))
scene1 = create_scene(gfx.MeshBasicMaterial(), -4)

vp2 = gfx.Viewport(renderer, (405, 0, 390, 400))
scene2 = create_scene(gfx.MeshPhongMaterial(), 0)

vp3 = gfx.Viewport(renderer, (805, 0, 390, 400))
scene3 = create_scene(gfx.MeshStandardMaterial(), 4)

vp4 = gfx.Viewport(renderer, (0, 0, 1200, 400))

def animate():
    vp1.render(scene1, camera)
    vp2.render(scene2, camera)
    vp3.render(scene3, camera)
    vp4.render(text_scene, text_camera)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.714 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery