
World Objects and Events.


WorldObject([geometry, material, visible, ...])

Base class for objects.

Group(*[, visible, name])

A group of objects.

Scene(*args, **kwargs)

Root of the scene graph.

Background([geometry, material, render_mask])

The scene's background.

Grid([geometry, material])

A grid to help interpret spatial distances.

Points([geometry, material, visible, ...])

A point cloud.

Line([geometry, material, visible, ...])

An object representing a line using a list of vertices (3D positions).

Mesh([geometry, material, visible, ...])

A mesh.

Image([geometry, material, visible, ...])

A 2D image.

Volume([geometry, material, visible, ...])

A 3D image.

Text([geometry, material, visible, ...])

A text.

Ruler(*[, start_pos, end_pos, start_value, ...])

An object to represent a ruler with tickmarks.

InstancedMesh(geometry, material, count, ...)

Display a mesh multiple times using instances.

Light([color, intensity, cast_shadow])

Light Base Class.

PointLight([color, intensity, cast_shadow, ...])

Radial point light source.

DirectionalLight([color, intensity, ...])

Directional light source.

AmbientLight([color, intensity])

Ambient light source.

SpotLight([color, intensity, cast_shadow, ...])

Directional point light source.


Shadow map utility base class.


Shadow map utility for directional lights.


Shadow map utility for spot light sources.


Shadow map utility for point light sources.


A bone.

Skeleton(bones[, bone_inverses])

A skeleton.

SkinnedMesh(geometry, material)

A skinned mesh.


Event(type, *[, bubbles, target, root, ...])

Event base class.

EventTarget(*args, **kwargs)

Targetable object mixin.

EventType(value[, names, module, qualname, ...])

PointerEvent(*args, x, y[, button, buttons, ...])

Mouse/Touch Event.

KeyboardEvent(*args, key[, modifiers])

Keyboard button press.

RootEventHandler(*args, **kwargs)

Pygfx event handler.

WheelEvent(*args, dx, dy, **kwargs)

Scrolling of the mouse wheel.

WindowEvent(*args[, width, height, pixel_ratio])

Window resize event