
pygfx.geometries.sphere_geometry(radius=1, width_segments=32, height_segments=16, phi_start=0, phi_length=6.283185307179586, theta_start=0, theta_length=3.141592653589793)

Generate a sphere.

Creates a sphere that has its center in the local origin. The sphere is constructed by creating a grid of longituidnal and latitudinal lines and placing vetices at the intersections. The area between 4 vertices is then approximated by a rectangular-shaped face.

Optionally, the geometry can be limited to a segment of the full sphere described by a longituidnal and latitudinal arc.

  • radius (float) – The radius of the sphere. Vertices are placed at this distance around the local origin.

  • width_segments (int) – The number of (evenly-spaced) longitudinal lines to draw within the selected sphere segment.

  • height_segments (int) – The number of (evenly-spaced) latitudinal lines to draw within the selected sphere segment.

  • phi_start (float) – The angle (in rad) at which to start the longitudinal lines. Zero means the first line is drawn in the xz-plane.

  • phi_length (float) – The central angle (in rad) of the sphere segments latitudinal segment.

  • theta_start (float) – The angle (in rad) at which to start the latitudinal lines. Zero means the first line is drawn at the “tip” of the sphere, i.e., at (0, 0, radius).

  • theta_length (float) – The central angle (in rad) of the sphere segment’s longitudinal segment.


sphere – A geometry object that represents the requested sphere or sphere segment. Mathematically, it is an open orientable manifold.

Return type:



Look At

Look At

Sphere Geometry

Sphere Geometry

Look At (Instanced Mesh)

Look At (Instanced Mesh)

Dynamic Environment Map

Dynamic Environment Map

Transparency 2

Transparency 2

PBR Rendering 2

PBR Rendering 2

Toon Rendering 2

Toon Rendering 2



Wireframe Material

Wireframe Material

Additive Blending

Additive Blending



Validate Skybox

Validate Skybox

Validate the grid

Validate the grid