- class pygfx.controllers.FlyController(camera, *, speed=None, **kwargs)
A controller to fly around a scene as if it’s a flight simulator.
Default controls:
Left mouse button: rotate.
“wasd”: move forward, backwards, and strafe to the sides.
space/shift: move up/down.
“qe”: roll the camera/aircraft around it’s axis.
wheel: increase/decrease maximum speed.
Fourth mouse button: quickzoom
alt+wheel: adjust fov.
- property speed
The (maximum) speed that the camera will move, in units per second. By default it’s based off the width and height of the camera.
- rotate(delta: Tuple, rect: Tuple, *, animate=False)
Rotate the camera over two angles (pitch and yaw in radians).
If animate is True, the motion is damped. This requires the controller to receive events from the renderer/viewport.
- roll(delta: float, rect: Tuple, *, animate=False)
Rotate the camera over the z-axis (roll, in radians).
If animate is True, the motion is damped. This requires the controller to receive events from the renderer/viewport.
- move(delta: Tuple, rect: Tuple, *, animate=False)
Move the camera in the given (x, y, z) direction.
The delta is expressed in the camera’s local coordinate frame. Forward is in -z direction, because as (per the gltf spec) a camera looks down it’s negative Z-axis.
If animate is True, the motion is damped. This requires the controller to receive events from the renderer/viewport.