- pygfx.renderers.wgpu.enable_wgpu_features(*features)
Enable specific features (as strings) on the wgpu device.
WARNING: enabling features means that your code may not work on all devices. The point of wgpu is that it can make a promise that a visualization works and looks the same on any device. Using features breaks that promise, and may cause your code to not work on e.g. mobile devices or certain operating systems.
Features can also be turned off by prefixing with “!”. This e.g. allows using a subset of Pygfx on old hardware by using
. Use with care; some parts of Pygfx will not function without the default features enabled.This function must be called before before the first
is created. It can be called multiple times to enable more features. Note that feature names are invariant to use of dashes versus underscores.For more information on features:
for all possible official features.renderer.device.adapter.features
for the features available on the current system.renderer.device.features
for the currently enabled features. for the official webgpu features (excl. native features). for the features and their limitations in wgpu-core.